FlexCard PXIe3

FlexCard PXIe3

型号: 3-V00940A01
FlexCard PCIe3装置将实时剩余总线模拟或网关以及汽车总线系统的7-30通道*测量接口的高性能平台能够进行综合在一台装置中。
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FlexCard PXIe3综合了实时残余总线仿真、网关功能和7-30通道测量接口。这种高性能综合平台为以下项目提供了多种解决方案:

  • 作为不同总线系统之间的网关
  • 汽车总线系统的接口
  • 残余总线仿真
  • 信号操作
  • 数据记录
  • 快速原型

FlexCard PXIe3配备多个可配置接口,能够支持当前和即将上市的各种总线系统,满足大多数应用领域对总线的使用需求。 本装置方便实现和测试复杂的网关应用和原型功能,因此受到嵌入式软件开发人员的广泛好评。本产品与配置软件FlexConfig RBS配套使用能够帮助开发人员更便捷地设置和控制总线系统以及ECU环境。

  • 5个可插拔收发器模块(每个模块2-6个通道,由总线系统类型决定)
  • 可插拔收发器模块,适用于CAN-HS、CAN-FD、FlexRay、100BASE-TX、LIN、SENT、100BASE-T1、1000BASE-T1
  • 提供PCIe和PXIe尺寸外形
  • 可用作实时网关/残余总线仿真,并将所有通信并行传输至PCIe主机系统
  • 为大多数总线接口生成同步时间戳(分辨率可达1us)
  • PCIe (FlexCard PCIe3) 或 PXIe (FlexCard PXIe3) 接口
  • 支持第一代PCIe
  • 集成Altera Cyclone V SOC(集成ARM Cortex-A9双核CPU)
  • 5个总线连接器(通道种类通过可插拔收发器分配)- 每个总线连接器上可配置2-6个总线接口
  • 多达4个FlexRay控制器(4个Bosch E-Ray内核)*
  • 多达8条Flexray总线通道(4* channel A 和4* channel B)
  • 在任何情况下,都可以在内部调用2个FlexRay内核(用于自同步)
  • 多达10个CAN-HS总线接口*
  • 多达10个CAN-FD总线接口*
  • 多达7个独立的100BASE-T1总线接口或15个内部连接(交换)的100BASE-T1通道*
  • 可开关的终端电阻
  • 支持唤醒/睡眠模式(可通过FlexRay或CAN唤醒)
  • 生成总线接口的同步时间戳(分辨率高达1us)
  • 2个触发输入或输出
  • 3种不同的操作模式:

- 纯FlexCard模式。 通过Windows驱动程序在PCIe主机系统上发送/接收总线数据

- 纯FlexDevice模式。可实现实时残余总线仿真和网关

- 混合模式。在集成ARM Cortex-A9 CPU上执行实时剩余总线模拟,并在PCIe主机系统(PC)上接收所有总线数据



Creating values and living values. This is what STAR COOPERATION unites. Because we know: Only if we pursue ecological and social concerns in a credible and sustainable manner can we guarantee long-term sustainable growth and economic success - for ourselves and our customers.


More and more Electrification In Vehicles. The electrification of vehicles and power engine systems increasingly demands electrical and electronical high-performance components when it comes to energy density, transferable current strength and intelligent charge management.


Vehicle networking is an increasingly important issue. For, more and more components within a vehicle are interconnected.


You would like to have a high-tech workshop as an extended work bench to optimize your vehicles? At STAR, you get all workshop services for vehicles in a fast, precise and cost-efficient manner from one source.
EMS 电子制造服务

EMS 电子制造服务

We supply you with assembled boards according to your requirements. Our Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) range from PCB assembly to customer-individualized device production including installation and customizing of individual casings to complete tool building.




From measuring to controlling, from sensor to actuator. New efficiency in measuring and control technology.


Providing a network enviroment fpr control unit development. Because of the increasing complexity in vehicles and, thereby, vehicle networks, remaining bus simulation becomes ever more important.


Applied pulse with modulation and pulse wave generation. Due to the constant extension of electronics in vehicle more and more signals have to be measured and functions have to be operated.


We produce wiring harnesses according to your specification: from special productions to cable set manufacturing for experimental and test set-ups to small batch assembly, we guarantee always speedy production.


此内联测量适配器是FlexMeasure-S(E812)的备选产品。 测量值输出通过CAN总线进行数字化。 随附的DBC文件允许快速,简单地集成到新的和现有的测量系统中。 为确保高压安全,高压和低压电路均已电隔离。




FlexSupply-M旨在在车辆的维修和保养工作中为车载网络供电。 它包含一个充电器,一个汽车电池和各种电子组件。


FlexIO-S Digital

FlexIO-S Digital

FlexIO-S Digital装置能够将CAN总线上的数据转换为数字信号,用以实现状态显示或切换外围组件。同时能够将数字输入通过FlexIO-S Digital导入,在CAN总线上再次生成并发送信号。为此硬件配备了一个CAN接口以及8个高边通道和8个低边通道,均可分别配置为输入端或输出端。
FlexIO-S Analog

FlexIO-S Analog

FlexIO-S Analog模拟测量模块主要用于测量电压并将测量值发送到CAN总线。 此外,FlexIO-S Analog模拟测量模块也可以生成高达±10 的V电压并为传感器供电。
FlexIO-M Thermo

FlexIO-M Thermo

热敏元件测量模块FlexIO-M Thermo采用评估8个K型热敏元件的方式完成电流分离的温度测量,并且可以通过CAN接口循环导出测量值。


FlexGen-S Sensor

FlexGen-S Sensor

FlexGen-S 传感器构造简便灵活,能够解决各类传感器/执行器的技术任务。传感器通常需要配备一套用于数据处理,供应及可视化的控制装置。
FlexGen-S PWM

FlexGen-S PWM

FlexGen-S PWM是PWM发生器,其中PWM信号由集电极开路输出产生。 因此,该单元生成用于测试台和测试车辆的PWM信号,或者在汽车风扇和泵的控制输入上生成速度预设值。 频率和信号比可以通过旋转编码器单独调节。
FlexGen-M PWM Remote

FlexGen-M PWM Remote

FlexGen-M PWM用于生成输出电流达10 A的可变PWM信号。频率,脉冲占空比以及设置和控制参数可以通过自动化系统的CAN接口定义。 电流值可以通过传感器输入和集成电流测量值回读。
FlexGen-M PWM

FlexGen-M PWM

FlexGen-M PWM用于生成输出电流达10 A的可变PWM信号。 频率和脉冲占空比均使用具有粗调和精调功能的旋钮进行设置。
FlexGen-M SENT

FlexGen-M SENT

FlexGen-M SENT是一个可灵活使用并且可移动的自给型研发平台,能够提供收集,处理和生成传感器数据的综合方案,使用该产品后既可以读取实际连接的SENT传感器信号,也可以模拟出虚拟传感器。通过触发按钮可以实现用不同的函数进行信号操纵,并以此对本设备连接的控制单元针对性地测试已定义的故障状况或在达到阈值时的运行情况。
FlexMedia 1000BASE-T1

FlexMedia 1000BASE-T1

FlexMedia 1000BASE-T1是1000BASE-T1和1000BASE-TX的双向转换器。FlexMedia 1000BASE-T1可以实现将汽车以太网连接到电脑上进行检测或诊断。
FlexMedia 100BASE-T1

FlexMedia 100BASE-T1

FlexMedia 100BASE-T1是100BASE-T1和100BASE-TX的双向转换器。FlexMedia 100BASE-T1可以实现将汽车以太网连接到电脑上进行检测或诊断。
Development Board FlexDevel

Development Board FlexDevel

FlexSwitch 1000BASE-T1

FlexSwitch 1000BASE-T1



FlexCard PMC-II

FlexCard PMC-II

FlexCard PMC-II装置是PMC设计中用于汽车总线系统的总线接口。 8个总线接口可以通过物理层(FlexTiny II)插槽配置不同的总线系统。
FlexCard PXIe3

FlexCard PXIe3

FlexCard PCIe3装置将实时剩余总线模拟或网关以及汽车总线系统的7-30通道*测量接口的高性能平台能够进行综合在一台装置中。
FlexCard PCIe3

FlexCard PCIe3

FlexCard PXIe3装置将实时剩余总线模拟或网关以及汽车总线系统的7-30通道*测量接口的高性能平台能够进行综合在一台装置中。






多功能总线控制装置FlexDevice- L2配备多个变量接口,能够支持当前和即将上市的总线系统,满足需配置总线接口的大多数应用领域的使用需求。


Take advantage of our expert knowledge in the STAR fields of MEDIA, LOGISTICS, CONSULTING, IT, ENGINEERING and ELECTRONICS - and benefit from sophisticated solutions. Everything from a single source and perfectly matched to your company.
FlexConfig Analyzer

FlexConfig Analyzer

FlexConfig分析仪软件可在智能手机或平板电脑上可视化CAN,LIN或FlexRay数据。 为此,可以通过蓝牙或Wi-Fi与适配的总线接口如FlexDevice-S / L / L² 或者 FlexCard Air-S建立无线连接。
FlexConfig Developer

FlexConfig Developer

FlexConfig Developer是一款经济实惠,功能强大且易于使用的汽车网络设计配置软件。
FlexConfig RBS

FlexConfig RBS

FlexConfig RBS是生成和配置残余总线仿真和网关,用以辅助硬件的软件产品,能够支持多种网络通信格式。生成的RBS软件能够在单独硬件上独立运行。


Whether PCB assembly, vehicle construction and modification or contract development and engineering services – our workshop and manufacturing facilities offer quick and flexible options for your development requirements.


Whether PCB assembly, vehicle construction and modification or contract development and engineering services – our workshop and manufacturing facilities offer quick and flexible options for your development requirements.


Autonomous driving, intelligent driver assistance systems or efficient car charging stations. Our experts offer suitable tools, innovative tech and sophisticated services. Discover more!


This glossary is meant to enable you to gain a basic understanding of the most important terminology for FlexRay and automotive bus systems.


Here you find the driver packages of the STAR ELEKTRONIK devices for download in their current version.


Master your digital future with STAR. Make a lasting difference for tomorrow. – across all sectors Discover more!


Any company wanting to have long-term success in the market needs a professional After Sales service. Our experts are here to answer your questions


Do you believe that you can achieve every goal with expertise and passion? So do we! Become a STAR - and benefit from a top employer who goes with you into the future. Here you will find our current vacancies and everything you need to know about your career at STAR COOPERATION.


Find jobs at STAR that combine skill with passion and genuine recognition. We offer you a network that will help you get ahead. Teams in which you score with your ideas and skills. And exciting tasks in global projects. Join us into the future - here you will find current job vacancies!


We provide various kinds of training programs to make our employees more adaptive, more competitive and more creative, so that we can grow up and develop together. It could be internal or external training, could be on-job or off-job training, could also be local or oversea training. It just depends on, what we do need. We offer more than jobs.


Develop your career with us: Discover STAR as your new top employer. With STAR, you enjoy attractive benefits and an environment with plenty of room for your ideas. With us, you will enter a successful future. And live the STAR SPIRIT. Find out more now!


Here you find the driver packages of the STAR ELEKTRONIK devices for download in their current version.




术语表可以帮您能够初步理解Flex Ray和汽车总线系统的相关重要术语


Our support team will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding the application of our STAR ELECTRONICS hardware and software products.


We use our interdisciplinary network of expertise to create unique system solutions. At STAR COOPERATION, our experts work in interdisciplinary teams. And every one of the them focuses on the challenges and needs of our clients. Learn more about us - see us now!


We offer solutions both for integrating ECUs of various integration levels into an existing vehicle and for manipulating the data transfer to and from an ECU.


Analyzing bus data has never been so user-friendly. With our Can Bus Analyzer software, you can quickly and easily view CAN, LIN or FlexRay data on a smartphone or tablet.


Application examples for products from STAR ENGINEERING & CONSULTING (Shanghai)


With STAR COOPERATION’s bus interfaces, you can connect PCs with automotive bus systems and record the data traffic. You gain transparency and overview with these efficient solutions for measuring, recording and analysis of FlexRay, CAN, Ethernet and LIN networks.


Precise measurement of signals and targeted control of functions – with sophisticated measurement and simulation technology for actuators and sensors.


Supply, measure, manage: benefit from measurement technology, test and trial setups, and charge management for e-mobility. So you can test your vehicles safely.


Create gateway configurations or restbus simulations quickly, easily and even automatically – with the right software from the FlexConfig family.


Enjoy the benefits of sophisticated hardware for complex vehicle electronics – developed for your individual requirements. For realistic restbus simulations, gateways, signal manipulation and more.


Today, most car producers will devote themselves to the development of multiple vehicle types and a great quantity of derivative product series at the same time. In addition, international cooperation platforms have been widely applied to R&D and production.


We offer you perfectly matched product families. Whether hardware or software, here you will find standard and individual tools for measurement and simulation technology, control technology as well as energy supply and energy management.


Gateways, restbus simulations, signal manipulation, data logging and rapid prototyping: test networked vehicle components with intelligent measurement and simulation technology.




State-of-the-art technology for E/E systems: benefit from the expertise of the STARS in the field of ELECTRONICS.


Excellence, combined with innovative ideas, specialist expertise and a great deal of passion: that is STAR COOPERATION. We pool our strengths, think outside the box and develop sophisticated concepts and products to bring you success. Discover more!


​The pressing demand for environmental friendly automotive technology, combined with features like state-of-the-art driver assistance, multi-media & internet capabilities etc., leads worldwide to an increased amount of specialists needed during the development process of a car.
Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy

Below we would like to inform you about our privacy policy. Here you will find information about the collection and use of personal data when using our website. We observe the data protection law applicable in Germany.


The inline measuring adapter was developed as an alternative to the FlexMeasure-S (E812). The measuring value output is digital via a CAN bus. The included DBC file allows for quick and simple integration into new and existing measuring systems. To ensure HV safety, the HV and LV circuits are galvanically isolated.
Job vacancies

Job vacancies

Find jobs at STAR that combine skill with passion and genuine recognition. We offer you a network that will help you get ahead. Teams in which you score with your ideas and skills. And exciting tasks in global projects. Join us into the future - here you will find current job vacancies!
FlexCard PCIe3

FlexCard PCIe3

The FlexCard PCIe3 combines a high-performance platform for real-time capable remaining bus simulations or gateways and a 7-30 channel* measuring interface for automotive bus systems in one device.
FlexCard PXIe3

FlexCard PXIe3

The FlexCard PXIe3 combines a high-performance platform for real-time capable remaining bus simulations or gateways and a 7-30 channel* measuring interface for automotive bus systems in one device.
FlexSwitch 1000BASE-T1

FlexSwitch 1000BASE-T1

FlexSwitch1000BASE-T1 is one of the first 1000BAE-T1 switches on the market and can also score with special filter mechanisms. For each port of the switch, criteria can be defined that allow blocking of certain traffic on that port.
Sensor & actuator technology

Sensor & actuator technology

Precise measurement of signals and targeted control of functions – with sophisticated measurement and simulation technology for actuators and sensors.
Networking technology

Networking technology

Gateways, restbus simulations, signal manipulation, data logging and rapid prototyping: test networked vehicle components with intelligent measurement and simulation technology.


State-of-the-art technology for E/E systems: benefit from the expertise of the STARS in the field of ELECTRONICS.


Take advantage of our expert knowledge in the STAR fields of MEDIA, LOGISTICS, CONSULTING, IT, ENGINEERING and ELECTRONICS - and benefit from sophisticated solutions. Everything from a single source and perfectly matched to your company.
Training programs

Training programs

We provide various kinds of training programs to make our employees more adaptive, more competitive and more creative, so that we can grow up and develop together. It could be internal or external training, could be on-job or off-job training, could also be local or oversea training. It just depends on, what we do need. We offer more than jobs.


Do you believe that you can achieve every goal with expertise and passion? So do we! Become a STAR - and benefit from a top employer who goes with you into the future. Here you will find our current vacancies and everything you need to know about your career at STAR COOPERATION.
Project Management

Project Management

Today, most car producers will devote themselves to the development of multiple vehicle types and a great quantity of derivative product series at the same time. In addition, international cooperation platforms have been widely applied to R&D and production.


​The pressing demand for environmental friendly automotive technology, combined with features like state-of-the-art driver assistance, multi-media & internet capabilities etc., leads worldwide to an increased amount of specialists needed during the development process of a car.


​The first car is sold by sales employee, the second by the service worker. The After-Sales business is a huge area that can help to increase customer loyalty by building up a positive brand image in aspects of After-Sales services and thereby increase long-term profits.


We use our interdisciplinary network of expertise to create unique system solutions. At STAR COOPERATION, our experts work in interdisciplinary teams. And every one of the them focuses on the challenges and needs of our clients. Learn more about us - see us now!


Our support team will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding the application of our STAR ELECTRONICS hardware and software products.
Product licenses

Product licenses

General terms and conditions for the use of STAR ELERTONICS software
Join us

Join us

Develop your career with us: Discover STAR as your new top employer. With STAR, you enjoy attractive benefits and an environment with plenty of room for your ideas. With us, you will enter a successful future. And live the STAR SPIRIT. Find out more now!


Creating values and living values. This is what STAR COOPERATION unites. Because we know: Only if we pursue ecological and social concerns in a credible and sustainable manner can we guarantee long-term sustainable growth and economic success - for ourselves and our customers.


Master your digital future with STAR. Make a lasting difference for tomorrow. – across all sectors Discover more!
Vehicle electronics

Vehicle electronics

Autonomous driving, intelligent driver assistance systems or efficient car charging stations. Our experts offer suitable tools, innovative tech and sophisticated services. Discover more!
After Sales

After Sales

Any company wanting to have long-term success in the market needs a professional After Sales service. Our experts are here to answer your questions


Excellence, combined with innovative ideas, specialist expertise and a great deal of passion: that is STAR COOPERATION. We pool our strengths, think outside the box and develop sophisticated concepts and products to bring you success. Discover more!
FlexMedia 1000BASE-T1

FlexMedia 1000BASE-T1

The FlexMedia 100BASE-T1 is a converter for 100BASE-T1 to 100BASE-TX and vice versa. With the FlexMedia 100BASE-T1, it is possible to connect an automotive Ethernet network to a standard PC for testing or diagnostic purposes.
FlexMedia 100BASE-T1

FlexMedia 100BASE-T1

The FlexMedia 100BASE-T1 is a converter for 100BASE-T1 to 100BASE-TX and vice versa. With the FlexMedia 100BASE-T1, it is possible to connect an automotive Ethernet network to a standard PC for testing or diagnostic purposes.
Energy technology

Energy technology

Supply, measure, manage: benefit from measurement technology, test and trial setups, and charge management for e-mobility. So you can test your vehicles safely.


Create gateway configurations or restbus simulations quickly, easily and even automatically – with the right software from the FlexConfig family.


Enjoy the benefits of sophisticated hardware for complex vehicle electronics – developed for your individual requirements. For realistic restbus simulations, gateways, signal manipulation and more.


We offer you perfectly matched product families. Whether hardware or software, here you will find standard and individual tools for measurement and simulation technology, control technology as well as energy supply and energy management.
Bus interfaces

Bus interfaces

With STAR COOPERATION’s bus interfaces, you can connect PCs with automotive bus systems and record the data traffic. You gain transparency and overview with these efficient solutions for measuring, recording and analysis of FlexRay, CAN, Ethernet and LIN networks.
Restbus simulation

Restbus simulation

Providing a network enviroment fpr control unit development. Because of the increasing complexity in vehicles and, thereby, vehicle networks, remaining bus simulation becomes ever more important.
Application examples

Application examples

Application examples for products from STAR ENGINEERING & CONSULTING (Shanghai)
Signal Generators

Signal Generators

Applied pulse with modulation and pulse wave generation. Due to the constant extension of electronics in vehicle more and more signals have to be measured and functions have to be operated.
Bus Visualization

Bus Visualization

Analyzing bus data has never been so user-friendly. With our Can Bus Analyzer software, you can quickly and easily view CAN, LIN or FlexRay data on a smartphone or tablet.
Bus gateways & bus manipulation

Bus gateways & bus manipulation

We offer solutions both for integrating ECUs of various integration levels into an existing vehicle and for manipulating the data transfer to and from an ECU.
FlexGen-M PWM Remote

FlexGen-M PWM Remote

The FlexGen-M PWM remote can be used to generate variable PWM signals with output currents of up to 10 A. The frequency, the pulse duty factor as well as the setting and control parameters can be determined via a CAN interface through an automation system. The current values can be read back through a sensor input and the integrated current measurement.


FlexInterlock-M Is a module for the use in test benches which emulates an HV interlock‘s functionality according to an HV battery by generating and evaluating an HV interlock signal. Several redundant switch contacts and LEDs are provided to signalize whether the HV interlock was or was not detected.
FlexGen-S Sensor

FlexGen-S Sensor

The FlexGen-S SENSOR is constructed flexibly in order to solve varying sensor/actuator technology tasks. Usually, sensors need a control unit for visualizing, processing and supplying.
FlexGen-M SENT

FlexGen-M SENT

This is a versatile, mobile, autonomous platform with which sensor data can be recorded, processed and generated. The FlexGen-M Sent reads out connected SENT sensors and simulates virtual sensors. The unit also provides various signal manipulation functions, such as to test the limit value behavior of specific connected control units
FlexIO-S Analog

FlexIO-S Analog

The FlexIO-S Analog measures voltages up to ±60 V and transmits the values on a CAN bus. Voltages of up to ±10 V can also be simulated to power sensors.
FlexIO-S Digital

FlexIO-S Digital

With FlexIO-S Digital , data on a CAN bus can be converted into digital signals for status display or to switch external peripherals. Additionally, digital inputs can be read-in and their signals mapped and transmitted on the CAN bus. For the purpose, the hardware features a CAN interface as well as eight high-side and eight low-side channels which can be individually configured optionally as inputs or outputs.
FlexIO-M Thermo

FlexIO-M Thermo

The FlexIO-M Thermo is likewise a thermocouple measuring module for electrically isolated temperature measurement. This variant offers eight type K thermocouple connections.
Development Board FlexDevel

Development Board FlexDevel

The FlexDevel is a low cost solution for beginners in automotive bus systems. It consists of a universal micro controller development platform with FlexRay, CAN, LIN and Ethernet interfaces.


FlexOpto is a bidirectional media converter which transmits electrical FlexRay, CAN or LIN signals via optical fibre.
Networking technology

Networking technology

Vehicle networking is an increasingly important issue. For, more and more components within a vehicle are interconnected.
Energy technology

Energy technology

More and more Electrification In Vehicles. The electrification of vehicles and power engine systems increasingly demands electrical and electronical high-performance components when it comes to energy density, transferable current strength and intelligent charge management.


The robust FlexMeasure-S was developed especially for measuring currents in high-voltage line in passenger vehicles. Due to the flexible connecting options, the ISI current inline can be integrated in existing circuits of up to 60A without problems.
FlexGen-M PWM

FlexGen-M PWM

The FlexGen-M PWM is used to generate variable PWM signals with output currents up to 10 A. The frequency and pulse duty factor are both adjusted via a rotary encoder with a rough and fine function.


FlexSupply-M was designed for supporting on-board networks during repair and service work on vehicles. It contains a charger, a car battery and various electronics components.
EMS | Electronic manufacturing services

EMS | Electronic manufacturing services

We supply you with assembled boards according to your requirements. Our Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) range from PCB assembly to customer-individualized device production including installation and customizing of individual casings to complete tool building.
Workshop service provider

Workshop service provider

You would like to have a high-tech workshop as an extended work bench to optimize your vehicles? At STAR, you get all workshop services for vehicles in a fast, precise and cost-efficient manner from one source.


The FlexSupply-S was designed especially for supplying measurement technology in test vehicles. Supply voltages drops caused by e.g. overlong lines to measurement technology components or the start-up process are effectively compensated.
Sensor/actuator technology

Sensor/actuator technology

From measuring to controlling, from sensor to actuator. New efficiency in measuring and control technology.
Testing systems

Testing systems

Every more complex systems in automotive technology require more intelligent production and testing technologies. Companies resort to a multitude of electronic test and evaluation systems for developing and integrating components into the vehicle.
Wiring harness production

Wiring harness production

We produce wiring harnesses according to your specification: from special productions to cable set manufacturing for experimental and test set-ups to small batch assembly, we guarantee always speedy production.
FlexGen-S PWM

FlexGen-S PWM

The FlexGen-S PWM is a PWM generator in which the PWM signal is generated by an open-collector output stage. This unit thus generates PWM signals for test benches and test vehicles, or speed presets on control inputs of automotive fans and pumps. The frequency and signal ratio can be individually adjusted by a rotary encoder.
FlexCard PMC-II

FlexCard PMC-II

The FlexCard PMC-II is a bus interface device for automotive bus systems in PMC design. The card's 8 bus interfaces can be configured for different bus systems via Physical Layer (FlexTiny II) slots.


The multifunctional bus control unit FlexDevice-L supports the current and upcoming bus systems and has numerous variable interfaces, thus covering most of the application fields where bus interfaces are required.


The multifunctional bus control unit FlexDevice-L² supports the current and upcoming bus systems and has numerous variable interfaces, thus covering most of the application fields where bus interfaces are required.


The multifunctional bus control unit FlexDevice-S supports the current and upcoming bus systems and has one variable interface, so it covers most of the application fields where bus interfaces are required.
FlexConfig RBS

FlexConfig RBS

FlexConfig RBS is a software to generate a hardware assisted RBS and Gateways. Several network description formats are supported. The generated RBS runs independently on a separate hardware.
FlexConfig Developer

FlexConfig Developer

FlexConfig Developer is a cost-effective, powerful and user-friendly design and configuration software for automotive networks.
FlexConfig Analyzer

FlexConfig Analyzer

The FlexConfig Analyzer is an application for Android based devices for monitoring CAN, LIN and FlexRay buses. FlexConfig Analyzer is therefore the perfect complement to the WLAN and Bluetooth-enabled bus interface cards such as the FlexDevice-S / L / L² or the FlexCard Air-S.
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